Ben Gordon Facing Allegations of Assaulting His Son

Image Source: CBS Sports

New information has surfaced regarding the recent airport arrest of former NBA player Ben Gordon, revealing allegations that he reportedly punched his 10-year-old son in the face, with the child having a protection order against him at the time.

Allegedly, Gordon caught the attention of a person dubbed as a “Karen,” who recognized him as a celebrity according to his ex-girlfriend, Ashley Banks. This recognition led to the incident that culminated in Gordon’s arrest at LaGuardia Airport for allegedly striking his son.

“The problem is the child was traumatized,” Banks expressed. They were in a state of shock witnessing their father being taken into custody and waiting until their aunt could pick them up. Our priority is to protect the child at this challenging time.”

Charges of assault and resisting arrest have been brought against the 39-year-old Gordon.

Following the incident, the child was taken to Long Island Jewish Children’s Hospital for an evaluation and was found to have an order of protection against their father.

“We were just disappointed because you keep seeing this pattern with black people,” Banks lamented. “And it’s sad, but like a child is traumatized from it. How do you calm a 10-year-old? He’s probably going to be scared of the police. Because he’s little.”

Eyewitnesses informed authorities that Gordon struck his son with a “closed fist” as they awaited their flight to Chicago. Gordon was prevented from boarding the plane and allegedly resisted arrest by physically resisting the officers.

Banks shared with the DailyMail that she had previously obtained a restraining order against the retired basketball player, but she does not believe he would harm his children.

“I spoke with a child’s mother and like, she’s like, ‘he would absolutely never do that.’ The child’s fine. Safe. Was not hit at all,” Banks affirmed. “It was completely fabricated. It’s really, really sad. Because when you put something out like that, especially on athletes and celebrities, it doesn’t go away.”

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